Wednesday morning, 2010 woke up with a barky cough. Via phone, her pediatrician diagnosed her with mild coup and effectively quarantined us until 24 hours after her fever broke. Just as it did, though, 2008's temperature spiked.
The only thing worse than having sick kids is being sick while caring for sick kids. Lucky for us, 1977 and I are still healthy. But the kids have been keeping us up all night with the barking and hacking and incessant neediness. 2008 watched 90 minutes of movies today. We worked on her alphabet and tracing skills. 2010 discovered all the ducks she ever wanted on YouTube. We read books and had baths and spent an hour outside depleting their energy with fresh snow. 2010 did not eat a single bite until dinner. They are both exhausted. Two or three hours from now, they will wake and realize they are feeling punk all alone in their rooms, and we will be invited to crawl into their beds to snuggle. 2010 will let me rock her for hours throughout the night. And tomorrow morning, 2008 will snuggle in my lap for dozens of picture books. Having sick kids sucks, but having two girls who want nothing more than to snuggle and love all day? There are worse things.
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I blog rarely, because I'm busy writing books. When I do blog, I focus on writing, friendship, family, and books. Because my family's best nicknames are private, I use their birth years for shorthand: