I’m a stickler for accuracy. So, while kids’ summer begins the day school ends, and while meteorological summer begins on June first, I celebrate on the solstice. . .because that’s what solstice is.
This year, all of that was moot. Shortly after school ended, we embarked on a long and exhausting road trip to see family and friends. Immediately upon our return (yet still before the solstice,) more family visited us here in Illinois. I was too busy to recognize solstice. Today, we bid sad adieus to 1977’s sister and our niece, and tonight I feel that summer is finally about to begin. Lazy days of summer, when we have nothing we have to do and nowhere we have to be, suit us perfectly. Welcome, summer! (And, half-Christmas. Where’s the cake?)
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I blog rarely, because I'm busy writing books. When I do blog, I focus on writing, friendship, family, and books. Because my family's best nicknames are private, I use their birth years for shorthand: